Our route

Here's our planned route - contacts/advice for all destinations welcome! Or why not come & meet us somewhere ;-)

Feb/March - Ukraine to Istanbul, via Moldova (& Transnitria)/Romania/Serbia/Bulgaria (Lisa); south France to Istanbul, via Slovenia/Italy/Greece (Chris)
April - Istanbul, Jordan & Israel
late April/May - north India to Nepal, overland
June/July - Hong Kong, Thailand/Cambodia/Vietnam (Hanoi)/South Korea/Japan
August - Hawaii & California
September/October - central America - Panama to Guatemala, overland
late October - arrive in Canada (Uxbridge, ON)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Random traveller thoughts

Now that we've been on the road for a bit, we're starting to reflect on our experiences and (trying to) put them in some sort of context.  Here are a few things we've discussed on recent long bus journeys:

  • Chris in particular used to think of European cultures as quite distinct from each other.  But after a couple of months travelling in Asia, "Western" cultures actually seem more and more similar by comparison to all the weird & wonderful things we're experiencing in this region!
  • Wet rooms and fish spas are both trendy in Britain.  But how many people realise that the typical Asian bathroom is a wet room (if the home is lucky enough to have a shower, that is), and that you can have a fish spa for free in the sea?  Those fish particularly liked Chris for some reason (hairiness?!).
  • We are feeling very self-centered right now.  It's hard enough to keep up with "where are we" and "what should we do next"...and that means we have no idea what's happening in the lives of our friends & family.  We will have so much catching up to do when this trip is over!  Meanwhile, please bear with us - we do love you and miss you, even if it's not obvious at the moment.
  • You never have enough time to do & see everything.  There isn't one country that we've visited, that we couldn't go back to and see something we wanted to see, or do something we wanted to do, but didn't have the time/money/energy.  Some of the toughest choices have been about where to linger - because every once in a while, we need a home - and where to speed through.  We've even resorted to flying (rather spontaneously), partly because we were getting so frustrated with glimpses of life through the bus window....but we didn't have time to step off and have a proper experience.  Sorry to all of the countries (and their fascinating citizens, cultures and of course cuisines!) that didn't get enough of our time & attention...
And now, a GREAT piece of news - as a reward to loyal readers who managed to make it through the above ramblings.....

Chris has been granted permanent residence status in Canada!!!!

The process has taken about a year, and since we submitted the application in November they've actually changed one significant thing - he no longer has to send his original passport to the embassy in London for processing.  This is really a relief because we have a lot of borders to cross in the next few weeks, which would've been impossible under the old system.

This means that we will again one day have a home to go to!  And of course, everyone can come and visit  =)

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